Kind of an absurd statement to make about my own business right? The fact is, we are kind of unique. Most places you go will do or say just about anything in order to sell you something. Here, we choose to do business a little differently. You are not going to come in our store (or visit us at a boat show for that matter)...find a boat that you like, and hear someone say “10 grand off…but only if you buy it today!” or “We will give you twice what your trade is worth…but only if you buy it today!” Frankly, when I hear stuff like that come out of salespeople’s mouths, all I can think of is how much your product had to have been overpriced to begin with in order to make me such an unbelievable offer. For us, for our customers and family, the way we do business is we would much rather give you what we can afford to give you up front. It does not mean we will not work with you to earn your business, but it sounds a little different to hear you will get something worth a few hundred bucks to sweeten your deal than it sounds to get thousands of dollars off. We are not into people impulse buying a boat. If you want to make an impulse buy, feel free to look at the bic lighters and the ring pops next time you are checking out at the grocery store.

As a general rule, most people do not buy boats very often, and deliberation and research are the norm. The more that you look around, the more that you learn, we feel like the better we look. We would much rather you do your due diligence and make an informed decision. Most of the time, that is what results in us making a sale. Sometimes it does not, and while that will always bother me a little bit – I feel like I should make every single sale every single time – Sometimes the product we have is simply not the best fit for a customer’s needs and I have grown to accept that. I am glad that is rare! We are not the cheapest place to buy a boat, for that you usually need to go to a box store. Be prepared with a couple days’ rations and maybe a signal flare or two…and for goodness sake it is twice as important to do your research because there is a good chance you will be answering your own questions. We are big enough to have resources and small enough to care. That is why we are the best place there is to buy a boat.

And please, make us the LAST place you look!